 Zhang Daizhen,Ding Ge,Zhang Huabin,et al.Genetic Diversity of Oratosquilla oratoria From Different Sea Area of Bohai Bay by Mitchondrial COI Gene[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Natural Science Edition),2010,33(04):80-83.





Genetic Diversity of Oratosquilla oratoria From Different Sea Area of Bohai Bay by Mitchondrial COI Gene
张代臻1 丁鸽1 2 张华彬1 唐伯平1
1. 江苏省滩涂生物资源与环境保护重点建设实验室, 盐城师范学院, 江苏盐城224051 2. 盐城工学院化学与生物工程学院, 江苏盐城224003
Zhang Daizhen1Ding Ge12Zhang Huabin1Tang Boping1
1.Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory of Coastal Wetland Bioresources and Environmental Protection,Yancheng Normal University,Yancheng 224051,China 2. Chem ical and B iologicalEng ineering Col lege, Yan ch eng In stitute ofT echnology, Yanch eng 224003, Ch ina
口虾蛄 COI基因 遗传多样性
Oratosqu illa orator ia COI gene Genetic d iversity
口虾蛄(Oratosquilla oratoria)是我国沿海重要的渔业种,本文对渤海湾口虾蛄COI基因的遗传多样性进行研究,在48条633 bp的COI序列中,存在19个变异位点,且转换高于颠换;不同水域间的平均遗传距离为0.004 9,单元型HP3、HP5、HP14是渤海湾不同水域的共享单元型,且HP5和HP17是渤海湾较为原始的类型,并且歧点分布分析显示渤海湾口虾蛄种群经历过快速扩张过程.本研究将为全面研究渤海湾口虾蛄的遗传多样性、评估野生种质资源情况等积累基本数据.
Ora to squilla oratoria ( Crustacea: Squ illidae) is the m ost dom inant spec ies o f Boha i Bay. In the study, the genetic d ive rsity of O. orator ia from Bohai Bay was stud ied by 48 m itchondria l COI sequences. 19 variab le sites were defined in 633 sites o f the aligned sequences. And the num ber o f transitions w as m ore than transversions. The av erage genetic d istance among sea areas was 0?? 004 9, and HP3、HP5 and H P14 we re shared by d ifferent sea areas of Bohai Bay. H P5 and HP17 were the ancestra l haptypes o f Boha i Bay by parsimony netwo rk. Resu lt o f m ism atch distr ibution im plied rap id expansion o f Boha i popu la tion. Genetic divers ity ana lysis o f COI sequencesw illbe usab le for further asses?? s ing the genetic structure o fO. oratoria.


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基金项目: 江苏省高校自然科学研究项目( 09KJD180005, 07K JA18017)、盐城师范学院校级项目( XKR2010003) . 通讯联系人: 唐伯平, 教授, 研究方向: 动物系统学. Email:boptang@ 163. com
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-08