 Xu Zhian,Jiang Xiaoqing,Sun Peipei.Synthesis and Luminescent Properties of Two New Ir(Ⅲ) Complexes Based on Benzoimidazole Derivatives[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Natural Science Edition),2011,34(01):59-63.





Synthesis and Luminescent Properties of Two New Ir(Ⅲ) Complexes Based on Benzoimidazole Derivatives
南京师范大学化学与材料科学学院, 江苏南京210046
Xu Zhi’anJiang XiaoqingSun Peipei
School of Chemistry and Materials Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China
电致发光 铱( Ⅲ)配合物 磷光材料 合成 性能
electro lum inescence Ir( Ⅲ ) comp lexes phosphorescent m ater ia ls synthesis properties
合成了新型配体N-异丙基-2-苯基苯并咪唑(bi)和N-异丙基-2-(4-氟苯基)苯并咪唑(fbi),并用它们与三氯化铱和乙酰丙酮反应,制备了相应的环金属铱(Ⅲ)配合物发光材料(bi)2Ir(acac)和(fbi)2Ir(acac)(acac=乙酰丙酮).对其结构用1HNMR和元素分析方法进行了表征,研究了配合物的UV-vis,荧光光谱及电化学性质.两种材料的最大发光波长分别位于514 nm和493 nm.电化学研究表明,在苯环上引入氟原子
New ligands N- isopropy-l 2-pheny-l 1H-benzo im ida zole and N- isoprop-y-l 2-( 4- fluo ropheny l)-1H-benzo im idazo le w ere prepared, and the ir correspond ing cyc lom eta la ted comp lexes ( bi)2 Ir ( acac) and ( fb i) 2 Ir ( acac) ( acac= acety lacetone) we re synthesized by the reac tion of these tw o ligands w ith IrCl3 and acety lacetone. The structures of the com plex es we re characterized by 1H NMR and e lem en tal ana lyses. The UV-v is and pho to lum inescence ( PL) spec tra were dete rm ined, and the electrochem ical behav io rs o f the comp lexes w ere studied. The com plexes had strong pho tolum -i nescence in dich lo rome thane at 514 nm and 493 nm, respectively. The e lectro chem ica l study show ed that the energy gap be tw een the HOMO and LUMO w as en la rged by introducing fluor ine on the benzene ring ( 0??13 and 0?? 15 eV respective ly fo r tw o com plexes), wh ich w as in accordance w ith the blue sh ift o f the max imum em ission wave leng th


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基金项目: 国家自然科学基金( 20772057, 20773066) . 通讯联系人: 孙培培, 教授, 研究方向: 有机化学. E-mail:sunpeipei@ njnu.edu. cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-11