 Gong Xiaohui,Bai Chunguang,Wang Jian.Review of Research on Sedimentary Periodicity of Tidal Mud Flat[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Natural Science Edition),2012,35(01):117-121.





Review of Research on Sedimentary Periodicity of Tidal Mud Flat
( 1. 江苏教育学院地理系,江苏南京210013) ( 2. 南京师范大学地理科学学院,江苏南京210046) ( 3. 东南大学交通学院,江苏南京210096)
Gong Xiaohui12Bai Chunguang3Wang Jian2
1.Department of Geography,Jiangsu Institute of Education,Nanjing 210013,China
mud tidal flatsedimentary periodicitydiastems
Both in ancient and modern tidal sedimentation,semidiurnal,semimonthly,annual and muti-year cycles of tidal mud flat have been widely revealed. As tidal cycle is very useful for research of the sedimentary environment and sedimentation rate,it has been one of the research hotspots in this field. With the increase of field work,the regional difference of the characteristic of sedimentary periodicities has been very clear. Diastems is a trouble for calculating the sedimentation rate. It is a sensible task to research the ancient sedimentation rate and sedimentary environment on the basis of short term continuous deposition in some area.


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基金项目:中国近海海洋综合调查与评价项目( JS9080103) 、国家自然科学基金( 40871010,4 9601019) .
通讯联系人:龚小辉,硕士,助教,研究方向: 自然地理学. E-mail: gongxh2006@ yahoo. com. cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-03-11