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 Zhu Yun,Jin Bangquan,Gong Lan,et al.Association of PPARγ2 Bsr1 Locus Polymorphism in Longissimus Dorsi With Meat Quality Traits in Swine[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Natural Science Edition),2013,36(03):81-86.





Association of PPARγ2 Bsr1 Locus Polymorphism in Longissimus Dorsi With Meat Quality Traits in Swine
朱 云1金邦荃1龚 兰1章熙霞2袁永刚2周 鑫1徐小波3
(1.南京师范大学食品科学与营养系,江苏 南京 210023) (2.南京市畜牧家禽科学研究所,江苏 南京 210036) (3.江苏省农业科学院畜牧研究所,江苏 南京 210014)
Zhu Yun1Jin Bangquan1Gong Lan1Zhang Xixia2Yuan Yonggang2Zhou Xin1Xu Xiaobo3
(1.Department of Food Science and Nutrition,Nanjing Normol University,Nanjing 210023,China) (2.Institute of Animal Husbandry and Poultry Science of Nanjing,Nanjing 210036,China) (3.Institute of Animal Science,Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Nanjing 210014,China)
PPARγ2Bsr1 locuspolymorphismmeat quality traitsswine
采用RT-PCR、PCR-RFLP及测序技术,对山猪等背最长肌(LD)的品质及PPARγ2基因表达量和第一启动子Bsr1位点多态性进行研究.结果表明,LD上PPARγ2基因表达量较低,且与肌内脂肪(IMF)呈弱相关(R=0.22).对PPARγ2 Bsr1位点多态性研究发现,该位点可产生G/A突变,形成b、Bb和B型3种基因型.山猪LD PPARγ2 Bsr1位点包含3种基因型,二元杂交后b型比例下降,三元杂交会出现b型缺失.同时发现,长白和大约克LD b型不表达,长白猪仅有B型,而申农1号除B型外Bb型高表达,提示瘦肉猪定向选育过程中可能会使b型逐渐丢失或表达关闭,从而不利于脂肪细胞的增生.以PPARγ2基因型为主效因素与肉质性状拟合建立GLM模型,不同基因型间猪LD剪切力和IMF存在显著差异(P<0.05).b型的高表达有利于脂肪细胞分化和增生,故可维系较高的IMF和较好的肌肉嫩度,提示其可作为优质肉的目标基因.
Longissimus dorsi(LD)in swine(7 breeds),was used to study PPARγ2 gene and its Bsr1 locus(located in PPARγ2 promoter 1)polymorphism with meat quality traits via RT-PCR,PCR-RFLP and sequencing technology.The result showed that the expression of PPARγ2 was low in swine LD.Its correlation with intramuscular fat was weak(R=0.22).It was also found that the base G in wild type b(CCAGT)was replaced by A.b type of Bsr1 locus would be changed to B type(CCAAT)thus it formed b,Bb and B type.Shanzhu LD had 3 genotypes,while its crossbreds had a low frequency of b type or even no b type.We also noticed that there was a high frequency of Bb type expressed in Shennong 1 and no b type in Landrace and Yorkshire.GLM model was used to analyze the association of genotypes(as a major factor)with meat quality traits.It was indicated that genotypes of PPARγ2 Bsr1 locus were correlated with the shear force of meat and intramuscular fat,significantly(P<0.05).This suggested that the high expression of b type contributed to adipose differentiation,deposition and appropriate for meat tenderness.It also means that PPARγ2 gene can be the meat target gene.


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更新日期/Last Update: 2013-09-30