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Safety Helmet Detection Algorithm Based on Improved YOLOX_s for Complex Scenes
江新玲1杨 乐1朱家辉1陶 磊1刘 峰12段倩倩1
(1.太原理工大学信息与计算机学院,山西 晋中 030600)
(2.中国煤炭工业协会,北京 100010)
Jiang Xinling1Yang Le1Zhu Jiahui1Tao Lei1Liu Feng12Duan Qianqian1
(1.College of Information and Computer,Taiyuan University of Technology,Jinzhong 030600,China)
(2.China National Coal Association,Beijing 100010,China)
safety helmet detection improved YOLOX_s occlusion targets small targets dense targets
在工业生产过程中,安全帽是生产工人重要的安全保护工具. 针对现有安全帽检测算法在复杂应用场景下对小目标、密集目标以及遮挡目标存在漏检、检测精度较低等问题,提出了一种基于YOLOX_s的改进算法. 首先,通过改进YOLOX_s算法的模型结构,在原有网络结构的基础上新设立了一个预测特征层,其尺寸为160×160,该预测特征层通过将高层语义信息和低层传递的位置信息进行有效融合来预测小目标; 其次,针对复杂的安全帽检测环境,将obj_loss的BCE_Loss改为Focal_Loss,即用Focal_Loss来训练obj分支来降低漏检; 最后,将CSP1_X中的残差块改为shuffleNet基本单元以缩减参数量. 改进后的算法mAP和recall分别提高了1.25%和2.32%,参数量缩减为3.61MB. 改进后的算法有效降低了复杂环境下安全帽的漏检率和提高了检测精度,对实际生产过程中保障企业和工人的生命财产安全起到了一定的促进作用.
In the process of industrial production, safety helmet is an important safety protection tool for production workers. Aiming at the problems of missing detection and low detection accuracy of the existing safety helmet detection algorithm for small targets, dense targets and occlusion targets in complex application scenarios, an improved algorithm based on YOLOX_s is proposed. Firstly, by improving the model structure of YOLOX_s algorithm, a new prediction feature layer with a size of 160×160 is established on the basis of the original network structure, the prediction feature layer can predict small targets by effectively fusing high-level semantic information and low-level location information. Secondly, for the complex helmet detection environment, BCE_Loss of obj_loss is changed to Focal_Loss, that is, Focal_Loss is used to train obj branch to reduce missed detection. Finally, residual block is changed in CSP1_X to the shuffleNet base unit to reduce parameters number, mAP and recall of the improved algorithm are increased by 1.25% and 2.32% respectively, and parameters number is reduced to 3.61MB. The improved algorithm effectively reduces the missed detection rate and improves the detection accuracy of safety helmet in complex environment, and plays a certain role in the actual production process to ensure the property and life safety of enterprises and workers.


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通讯作者:杨乐,博士,副教授,研究方向:计算机视觉、图像处理和三维显示. E-mail:yangle@bupt.cn
更新日期/Last Update: 2023-06-15