Study on Spectrum Properties of Eu3+ Complex With Different Molecular Weights of Polydimethylsiloxane(PDF)
- Issue:
- 2007年02期
- Page:
- 58-62
- Research Field:
- 化学
- Publishing date:
- Title:
- Study on Spectrum Properties of Eu3+ Complex With Different Molecular Weights of Polydimethylsiloxane
- Author(s):
- Han Yafen; Lu Tianhong; Li Cun; Huang Xiaohua
- School of Chemistry and Environmental Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
- Keywords:
- po lydim ethylsiloxane; Eu 3+ ; photo lum inescence
- O641.4
- DOI:
- -
- Abstract:
- After PDM S- Eu( III) com plex es form ed from Eu3+ and PDM S is exc ited w ith ultrav io let light, the exc ited PDM S w ould transfer the absorption ene rgy to Eu( Ⅲ ), lead ing to the increase in the em ission fluorescence peaks o f Eu( Ⅲ ) in the v isible area. Because the conform ations o f PDM S- Eu( Ⅲ ) com plexes w ith PDM S of d ifferent m o lecularw e ights a re different, the ir energ ies are different after the exc itation o f the light. Thus, the ir energy transfer effic iency from PDM S to Eu( Ⅲ ) are d ifferent, leading to the d if ferent intensity o f the em ission fluorescence peaks o f Eu( Ⅲ ) in the v isib le area. When the m o lecular w e ight o f PDM S is 30 000, the energy transfer efficiency o f PDM S- Eu( Ⅲ) is the h ighest. It reaches 48.2%. Therefore, the intensity of the em iss ion fluorescence peaks of Eu( Ⅲ ) in the v isible area is the h ighest.
Last Update: 2013-05-05