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Identification of ACC Deaminase-Containing Rhizobacterium XG32(PDF)


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Identification of ACC Deaminase-Containing Rhizobacterium XG32
Liu Weihong1Yan Shuzhen1Liu Wuxing2Yang Qiyin1
1.Key Laboratory of Microbiol Engineering,School of Life Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
2. Inst itute of S oil Science, Ch inese A cadem y of S cien ces, Nan jing 210008, Ch ina
ACC deam inase bacter ia identification
C lassical physio log ical and b io chem ica lm ethods, B io log, and 16SrDNA sequentia l analysis are used to identify the ACC ( 1- am inocyc lopropane-1-carboxy late, ACC) deam inase-conta ining rhizobacter ium XG32. These threem e thods are compared in im po rtance of identifying bacter ia. The results indicate that the stra in XG32 be longs toP seudomonas f luorescens b iovar Ⅳ by phy sio log ical and b iochem ica l identification and the16SrDNA sequence analyzing.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05