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Effects of Copper Stress on Mineral Nutrient,Protective Enzyme Activities and Their Isozyme Expression in Leaf of Hydrocharis dubia(PDF)


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Effects of Copper Stress on Mineral Nutrient,Protective Enzyme Activities and Their Isozyme Expression in Leaf of Hydrocharis dubia
Ji Wangdong Shi Guoxin Xu Qinsong Xu Ye Zhang Hui Zhao Juan
School of Life Science, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210046, China
H ydro charis dubia Cu 2+ stress m ineral nutrient pro tective enzym e iso zym e
Hydrocharis dub ia plants exposed to 0, 2, 4, 6, 8m g /L Cu 2+ fo r 7 d w ere ana lyzed w ith re ference to its tox ic im pact on m inera l nutr ient adsorption, active oxygen generation, protec tive enzym e activ ities and the ir iso zym e express ion. The resu lts showed that, w ith the rise of Cu 2+ concentration in culturem edium: ( 1) them ineral nu trien t abso rption w as affected by Cu 2+ stress, as it increasd the abso rption of Ca 2+ 、Fe 3+ 、M g 2+ and Zn 2+ , and reduced tha t o f M n 2+ 、P and K+ , w ith increasing the concentration o f Cu 2+ . ( 2) The am ount and intensity o f prote in / peptide band dec reased gradua lly w ith augm ent of Cu2+ concentration w as obse rved in SDS- PAGE, respectively, and m any po lypeptides d isappeared sign ificantly in fronds treated w ith Cu2+ stress. ( 3) GR activ ity and H2O2 content change tendency assume the sing le peak curv e, in Cu 2+ concentration to 6 m g /L, the ir da tum up to m ax im ize, respec tive ly be tter 2. 51 tim es and 3.74 tim es than the con tro .l The O2 - con tent andMDA content chang e assum e first slow, and then fast trend o f esca la tion, when Cu 2+ concentration to 8m g /L, the ir datum reach ing the c rest, compar ing 342.3% and 334. 2% to the contro;l SOD activ ity assumes the drop tendency, POD ac tiv ity assum es the trend of esca la tion, and CAT activ ity only has sligh tly rise. ( 4) Their isoenzym ic spectrum analysis demonstra tion, along w ith Cu 2+ concentra tion increasing, the SOD isoenzym ic band number and the expression quan tity reduces. The POD isoenzym ic band number gradua lly inc reases, increasing from 4 be lts to 7 be lts, and the expression quantity a lso presen ts the trend o f esca la tion. The CAT isoenzym ic band number does no t obv iously change, and the expression quantity has slight d iffe rence. The conc lusion could be reached that the death of plant resulted from destruction of structure founda tion o f physio log ica l function, unbaance o f ion equilib rium and d iso rder o f physio log ica lm etabo lism. The letha l concentra tion scope of Cu 2+ toHydrocharis dubia was 2~ 4m g /L based on the expe rim en t results


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Last Update: 2013-05-05