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Genetic Diversity Study on Wild Populations of Apoacynum venetum Using RAPD Marker(PDF)


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Genetic Diversity Study on Wild Populations of Apoacynum venetum Using RAPD Marker
Peng Xuemei1Zhang Weiming12Wang Yangyang1Gu Gongping2Lu Changmei1
1.School of Life Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China
2. Nan jing Inst itu te for the Com prehens iveU t ilizat ion ofW ild Plant, Nan jing 210042, Ch ina
Apocynum venetum w ild population genetic d iversity RAPD
Genetic diversity of Ap ocy num venetum was studied by the m ethod of random amp lified polym orph ic DNA ( RAPD) in this paper. Out o f 9 w ild popu lations from 8 prov inces o f Ch ina, 157 bands we re produced w ith 17 random pr im ers and 108 of them w ere po lym orphic. A t spec ies leve,l its po lymo rph ic lo ci percentage, N ei’s genetic d iversity index and Shannon’s in fo rm ation index w ere 68.79%, 0. 229 6 and 0. 339 0 respectively. The tota l gene d ifferen tiation ( G st) ofA. venetum w as 0.884 1. Th is ind icated that 881 41% o f genetic var iation res ided am ong popu lations and genetic va riation among populations w asm uch h ighe r than thatw ithin popu la tions. Results from genetic d istances and cluster ana lys is showed that relationsh ips am ong populations was not comp le tely co rre lated w ith their geog raph ica l d istances. According to the current genetic d iversity s ituation o fA. venetum, protec tion of natural population w as suggested to be streng thened.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05