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Cloning and Sequence Analysis of an Ubiquitin Gene of Plutella Xylostella (L.)(PDF)


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Cloning and Sequence Analysis of an Ubiquitin Gene of Plutella Xylostella (L.)
Xu Jianing1Xu Qin2Xue Jing1Wang Ying1Cheng Luogen1Li Zhongying3
1.School of Life Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China
2. School of E lectrical and Autom ation Engin eering, Nan jing Norma lU n ivers ity, Nan jing 210042, China
3. Inst itu te ofP lant Protect ion, Gu izhou Academ y ofAgricu lture S cien ces, Gu iyang 550006, Chin a
P lutella X y lostella( L. ) ub iqu itin g ene clon ing sequence analysis
The c loned ub iqu itin g ene cod ing sequence of P lu tella Xy los tella ( L. ) susceptible stra in and the deltam ethrin - res istance stra in of the adu ltm a le and fem a le, 228 bp in leng th, encodes a pro te in of 76 am ino acids( GenBank Accession No. EU28778, EU28779, EU28780, EU28781). M ultiple sequence a lignment ind ica ted tha t the nucleo tide and am ino ac id sequences both have d ifferent sites among the four sam ples: the susceptib le stra in has larger d ifferences betw een m a le and fema le adu lts, w ith the sequence s im ilar ity o f 81.1%; wh ile the resistant strain has sm a ller d ifferences, sequence sim ilarity 97.8%, thus these differences m ay be related to themo lecu la rm echan ism of drug res istance in P lutella X y lostella, and lay a founda tion for further study o f its fo rm ation and g eneticm echanism s


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Last Update: 2013-05-05