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Analysis on the Inbound Tourism Diversity Among Areas in Zhejiang Province Based on Theil Index(PDF)


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Analysis on the Inbound Tourism Diversity Among Areas in Zhejiang Province Based on Theil Index
Jin ChengLu YuqiXu Jing
School of Geography Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China
d ispar ity The il index inbound tour ism Zhejiang prov ince
The dispa rity of inbound tourism in every c ity o f Zhe jiangw as reducing, bu t reduc ing rate becom e slow ly, that w as because tour ism of Zhejiang mo re open ly, tour ism product m ore than be fo re, and the sta tus o f tour ism in industry becom em ore loftily. Every c ity attaches im po rtance to dev elop tourism, so Zhe jiang’ s inbound tour ism becom em ore and m ore un ifo rm. Than we ca lculate The il index, w e d iscove r that d ispar ity o f reg ion b igger than the d ispa rity o f reg iona l in- s ide, and the d ispar ity o f reg ional ins idemostly make up of north reg ion. The reason of thatw as no rth city, such asH an- gzhou, deve lops tourism ea rly, last out long tim e, th is a lso form the structure of inbound tourism. Than w e see the char- ac ter o f disparity evo lvem ent, 1991 year- 1995 year: the d ispar ity o f inbound tour ism was h igh, reduc ing ra tew as a lso h igh, dispa rity of reg iona l inside reduc ing ra te h igher than disparity o f reg ion; 1996 year -1999 y ea r: the reduce o f d is- parity w as reposefu,l change o f reg iona l insidew as very sm a l,l reduce pow erm ostly com e from shrink the disparity of re- g ion; 2000 year -2006 year: the reduce ra te of dispa rity w as acce lera ting, because d ispar ity of reg iona l inside reduce speedily. Reduce o f inbound tourism d ispar ity indicate tha t inbound tour ism m ake effec t in reduce econom ic dispa rity and construct ha rmon ious soc iety.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23