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Preparation of Nitrogen-doped TiO2 and Photocatalytic Activity Under Visible Light(PDF)


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Preparation of Nitrogen-doped TiO2 and Photocatalytic Activity Under Visible Light
Hu HuaguoWang YupingGu LingyanPeng Panying
School of Chemistry and Environmental Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
N- doped pho tocata lysis T iO2 m ethy lene blue
N - doped TiO2 pho tocata lysts w ere fabricated bym ix ing tetrabuty l titanate w ith urea in ethano l and w ate r by so-l ge lm ethod. The effect of var ious exper imenta l param eters on the pho tocata ly tic activ ity of N- doped T iO2 pho tocatalysts was investig ated, w hich invo lved so l pH va lue, sol temperature, urea con tent and ca lc inated tem pera ture. TheN / T iO2 pho tocata lystw as characte rized by XRD, XPS, UV- V is and the pho to ca talytic ac tiv ityw as evalua ted by pho todegradation of m ethylene b lue unde r v isib le light and ultrav io let irrad ia tion. The results showed that the optim a l condition inc luding dopants be ing 4mL sa turation urea so lution, so l reaction temperature 40℃ , so l pH va lue 2. 5, and calc ined tem pe ra ture 500℃respective ly. The average pa rtic le diam eter of resultant N /T iO2 w as about 13.8 nm and its crystal form was anatase. The photocata ly tic degradation effic iency of them ethy lence b lue o f 25m g? L- 1 w ith N /T iO2 can reach 41.8% under v is ible- ligh t illum inated 5 h and w as 11. 9 tim es o f pure T iO2 in sam e cond ition


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Last Update: 2013-04-23