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Isolation Different PML Isoform by PCR Analysis(PDF)


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Isolation Different PML Isoform by PCR Analysis
Shen YuqingXia MeiMiao FengqingXie WeiZhang Jianqiong
The Key Laboratory of Developmental Genes and Human Disease,Ministry of Education,Department of Genetics and Developmental Biology,Southeast University Medical School,Nanjing 210009,China
PML gene iso form PCR
PM L ( Prom yelocy tic Leukem ia) gene is located on chrom osom e 15 and com po sed of n ine exons. Mo re than twenty d ifferen t PML iso form s have been discovered and categorized in to seven g roups by diffe rent splic ing pattern. In order to indentify different isoforms o f the ind iv idua l g roups, five pa irs of prim er were designed to be used for iso form-spec ific PCR am plification acco rd ing to the sequences at theC-term ina l o f PML gene. Analysis of the diffe rent iso form s w as based on the presence and the s ize o f the PCR product am plified by using a ll the five pairs of pr im ers. Contro l exper-i m ent w as done by analysis o f a pc DNA3.1-GFP-PML plasm id wh ich is known to be PMLIV. In add ition, PML iso form in a liver cancer ce ll line QGY7701 w as determ ined to be a m ixture of PMLII and PM LIV by the sam e way. In conc lus ion, PML isoform o f the seven g roups can be c lassified by sim ply PCR amp lification using the des igned five pa irs o f pr im ers.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23