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Expression and Discussion of Bone Morphogenetic Protein 7 in the Rabbit Ovary(PDF)


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Expression and Discussion of Bone Morphogenetic Protein 7 in the Rabbit Ovary
Li LinYin PingJi JinqiangDing Jiatong
College of Animal Science and Technology,Yangzhou University,Yangzhou 225009,China
rabbit bone m orphogene tic pro te in7( BMP7) ov ary imm unoh istochem istry
To discuss the ac tions of bonem o rphog enetic prote in 7 ( BMP7) in the process o f fo llicu lar deve lopm ent, lute in ization and ovu lateon, w e exam ined the localization of BMP7 prote in in the rabbit ov ary using imm unohistochem ica l m e thod. The results showed that BMP7 pro te in w as no t expressed in pr imo rdia l or prim ary fo llic les. Instead, it w as found in both oocytes o f secondary fo llic les and all ce lls of antral fo llic les. It was a lso detected in interstitia l ce lls, corpora lutea and ovarian surface epithelia l cells. These suggested tha t BMP7 did not take pa rt in the activation of a do rm ant prim ord ial follic le, but p layed a ro le in the pr im ary / secondary transition and in the fo llow ing m atura tion o f fo llic les. Besides, BM P7 w as not only the cytokine of theca inte rna ce lls but a lso tha t o f oocytes and granulosa cells, BMP7 m ight a-l so partic ipate in the regulatory activ ities o f co rpora lutea, ovulation, e tc.


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Last Update: 2013-04-23