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Quantum Phase Transitions of One-Dimensional XX-ZZ Model(PDF)


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Quantum Phase Transitions of One-Dimensional XX-ZZ Model
Zhong MingLiu Xiaoxian
School of Physics and Technology,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
quantum XX-ZZ model quantum phase transition concurrence fidelity Lee-Yang zeros
The quantum phase transitions o f one-d im ensiona lXX-ZZ m ode l are d iscussed. The behav iors o f concurrence, fidelity near the critical po ints and the distribution o f Lee-Yang zero s are stud ied num er ica lly. It is found that the behav iors o f fide lity and Lee-Yang zero s can d istingu ish the first order and second order phase transitions. But the concurrence can only character ize the second o rder phase trans ition o f th is m odel .


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Last Update: 2013-04-08