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Dye Wastewater Treatment by Flocculation With Mg-salt and Fe-salt(PDF)


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Dye Wastewater Treatment by Flocculation With Mg-salt and Fe-salt
Yan Hailin1Tang Wenwen2Wang Zhiliang3Zhang Xianqiu2Du Mingxia2Jia Guozheng2
1.Editorial Board of Journal of Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210009,China 2. School of Geography S cien ce, Nan jing Norma lU n iversty, N an jing 210042, China 3. J iangsu Province Acad emy ofEn vironm ental Science, N an jing 210036, China
dy eing w astew ater floccu lation M gSO4 FeSO4
The character istics o f dye wastewa ter inc lude be ing h igh in COD concentration, high in co lour ity, d ifficu lt in deg radation, d ifficu lt in bio log ica-l treatm ent. The treatm ent on dye wastewa ter is pa id m uch attention in env irom en tal protection fie ld. In th is paper, three flocculation process, nam ely M gSO4 floccu lation, FeSO4 flocculation, and M g- SO4-FeSO4 two-stage floccu la tion w ere stud ied. The results showed: whenM gSO4 and pH w ere contro lled at 500 mg /L and 11- 12 respectively, COD rem ova l rate was 78%; when FeSO4 and pH w ere contro lled at 400m g /L and 9 respective ly, COD rem ova l ra tew as 65%; and forM gSO4 and FeSO4 two- stage floccu la tion, MgSO4 and FeSO4 was contro lled a t 300 mg /L and 250 mg /L respective ly, COD tota l rem ova l rate was 88%. Therefore, th is tw o-stage floccu lation no t on ly can inc rease COD remova l rate, but a lso can sim plify the who le process, wh ich has good econom ic value.


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Last Update: 2013-04-08