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Effects of Drought on Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of Leaves and Ultrastructure of Chloroplasts in Ginkgo biloba L.(PDF)


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Effects of Drought on Physiological and Biochemical Characteristics of Leaves and Ultrastructure of Chloroplasts in Ginkgo biloba L.
Liu DanChen GuoxiangWei XiaodongTang JiahongYang YulanYuan ZhongyuanLi WenCui Hongyun
School of Life Sciences,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China
Ginkgo biloba L. drought stress physiolog ica l and b iochem ical indexes ultrastruc ture of ch loroplast
5 year old G inkgo b iloba L. seed lings was selected to m easure the changes in physio log ica l and biochem ical indexes of leaves and ultrastructure o f ch lo roplasts under pro long ed drought stress. The results show tha t ch lo roplasts ( Chl) content decreased w hen the drought stress had lasted 30 days, wh ileMDA content and the ac tiv ities of SOD in c reased, wh ich resulted in the reduction o f the activ ities o f CAT. A t the sam e time, pro line and solub le suga r content w ere g radua lly increased, w hile content of so lub le pro te in decreased a t first and then increased aga in. Therew ere signifi cant differences in every phy sio logy indexes w ith the control except the activ ities o f SOD. Ch loroplast lam ellae becam e loose g radually, whereas the number and size o f osm ioph ilic g ranu le increased during drought stress till the chlorop last d isappeared. There were no v ariations in som e physio log ical indexes for theG inkgo biloba L. leaves and chlorop last ul rastruc ture under drought stress fo r 30 d. SoG inkgo biloba L. has some adapta tion for drought


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Last Update: 2011-06-15