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A General Method for Direct DNA Vector Modification(PDF)


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A General Method for Direct DNA Vector Modification
Xie FengZhu LeiShang Guangdong
Jiangsu Key Laboratory for Biodiversity and Biotechnology,Nanjing 210046,China
recombineering three p ieces cloning conjugal transfer vector
Cloning one ormore DNA fragments into a vector is the one ofmost commonly used techniques in molecular biology. Classic cloning strategy, when dealt with comp licated cloning step s, like multip le fragments insertion, selective marker exchange, are often troubled by the choice of restriction enzymes, the base mutations caused by long fragment PCR, UV exposure and gel purification. We made use of the Red /ET technology to clone two fragments into the vector while remove the unnecessary vector part in a single step. This three p ieces cloningmanipulation is straightforward and convenient, with the potential to be a general cloning strategy for vector engineering.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05