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Comparison of Photosynthetic Pigments and Chlorophyll Fluorescence Parameters of Different Strains of Porphyra yezoensis
姚春燕1 张 涛2 姜红霞2 朱建一2 陆勤勤3 杨家新1 许 璞2
1. 南京师范大学生命科学学院, 江苏南京210097) 2. 常熟理工学院生物与食品工程学院, 江苏常熟215500 3. 江苏省海洋水产研究所, 江苏南通226007
Yao Chunyan1Zhang Tao2Jiang Hongxia2Zhu Jianyi2Lu Qinqin3Yang Jiaxin1Xu Pu2
1.School of Life Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China 2. Departm en t of B iology and Food Engineering, C hangshu In stitu te ofT echnology, Changshu 215500, China 3. J iangsu Inst itute ofM arin e F isheries, Nan tong 226007, China
紫菜 品系 光合色素 叶绿素荧光
Porphy ra stra in p igm ent Chlorophy ll fluo rescence
比较了10个品系的条斑紫菜(Porphyra yezoensis)藻体色素吸收光谱及在不同生长光强下的有效光化学效率(Yield).光谱测定结果显示,不同品系藻体吸收光谱基本一致,但峰值有所差异.试验品系中,杂交重组品系Y-H001的PE、PC和APC含量显著高于对照种质Y-W0401,分别高出41.4%、38.3%和43.2%;绿色突变体Y-gr01的3种藻胆蛋白含量及PE/PC显著低于对照,但Chla含量较Y-W0401高出28.2%;杂交重组品系H-Yy0502的PE/Chla、PC/Chla和APC/Chla显著高于Y-W0401.有效光化学效率测定结果表明,在不同的光强条件下,选育品系Y-J0201和诱变实验品系CM0305的Yield显著高于Y-W0401,而Y-gr01的Yield显著低于对照.本文对条斑紫菜不同品系藻体的光谱特性、色素组成及Yield进行了比较与分析.
Absorption spectra of 10 stra ins o fPorp hyra yez oensis tha lli and the effective photochem ical effic iency ( Y ie ld) o f those tha lli g rown under different light intensities we re com pared. Absorption spectra of different stra ins show ed sim -i lar patterns. The conten ts o f phycoerythrin ( PE), phyco cyanin ( PC) and a llophycocyan in( APC) in the hybr id recomb inant stra in Y-H 001 w ere 41.4%, 38.3% and 43.2% higher than those in Y-W 0401 ( the contro l), respectiv ely. The contents o f PE, PC, APC and the ratio of PE /PC in the green m utant stra in Y-gr01 w ere low er than those in Y-W 0401, bu t the content o f ch lorophy ll a ( Chla) w as 28. 2% h ighe r. The ratio s of PE /Ch la, PC /Chla and APC /Ch la o f the hybr id recomb inant stra in H-Yy0502 w ere h igher than tho se of Y-W 0401. Y ie ld o f the breed ing stra in Y-J0201 and m utagenic CM 0305 under a ll light intensities w ere significantly higher than that o f Y-W0401, wh ile Y ield of Y-gr01 was rem arkab ly low er than it. In th is report, abso rption spectra of 10 strains o f P. yezoens is tha ll,i com po sition of pigm en ts and Y ield w ere compared and discussed.


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基金项目:“十一五”国家863计划(2006AA10A413) 通讯联系人: 许 璞, 理学博士, 研究员, 研究方向: 藻类生物学. E-mail:xupu66@ sina. com
更新日期/Last Update: 2013-04-08