 Gao Wei,Ye Gongfu,You Shuisheng,et al.Community Characters of Coastal Litsea Glutinosa Natural Forest on Dongshan Island[J].Journal of Nanjing Normal University(Natural Science Edition),2011,34(02):94-99.





Community Characters of Coastal Litsea Glutinosa Natural Forest on Dongshan Island
高伟1 叶功富2 游水生1 崔冬冬1 杜林梅1 辛秀1
( 1. 福建农林大学林学院, 福建福州350001) ( 2. 福建省林业科学研究院, 福建福州350012)
Gao Wei1Ye Gongfu2You Shuisheng1Cui Dongdong1Du Linmei1Xin Xiu1
1.Forestry College of Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University,Fuzhou 350001,China
潺槁树 天然林 群落结构 物种多样性
Litsea glutinosa natural fo rest comm un ity structure species d iversity
在样方调查的基础上,对东山岛海岸带潺槁树天然林的群落结构进行了研究,结果表明:所调查群落属于南亚热带次生季风常绿阔叶林,在3 600 m2的样地中共有植物36科43属78种,多为单属单种,且层次性较强,可分为乔木层、灌木层、藤本层和草本层4层.群落A乔木层中潺槁树的重要值最大,群落B和群落C乔木层中潺槁树的重要值列第三,灌木层中潺槁树的重要值皆最大.3个群落中潺槁树的径级结构皆呈进展型,物种多样性比较结果显示,潺槁树天然林的物种多样性与群落所处位置、人为干扰程度和保护时间等呈明显相关,其排序为群落A>群落B>群落C,强度的人为干扰将导致多样性的降低.研究结果为潺槁树天然林的保护和恢复提供了早期研究基础.
The comm un ity characters o f coastalL itsea glutinosa natural forest on Dongshan Island w ere studied based on community investigation, and the resu lts ind icated that there w ere 78 species in 80 genera and 44 fam ilies of p lants in p lo ts of 3 600 m2. The layers of arbors, shrubs, liane, and herbages cou ld be distingu ished c lear ly. The importance va lue ofL itsea glutinosa w as the h ighest in tree laye r of comm un ityA, and w as the third in tree layer of comm un ity B and community C, w hile itw as the highest in shrub layer o f 3 comm un ities. The DBH c lass struc ture o fL itsea g lu tino sa in 3 communities we re all at the up g row th stage. D iversity compar ison showed that the diversity o f L itsea g lutinosa community was co rre la ted w ith the position, disturbance and the tim e of protec tion, and the d iversity w as commun ity A > comm un ity B> comm un ity C. The resu lts prov ided fundam ental data for the protection and re establishm ent o fL it sea glutinosa na tura l forest at the early research stage.


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基金项目: 国家 十一五科技支撑计划专题( 2009BADB2B0302 )、福建省科技重点计划项目( 2008N0002) . 通讯联系人: 叶功富, 博士后, 教授级高工, 研究方向: 沿海防护林. Email:yegongfu@ 126. com
更新日期/Last Update: 2011-06-15